They are burst proof up to 500lbs and support a static weight up to 2200lbs. Most of us get that wake-up call when we are haunted by diseases and rush to the doctor who advices us to lead a healthy lifestyle. Exercising with the same machine can become monotonous after a while. Every day we promise ourselves that we will find time for exercise the next day, but that day never arrives. Living healthy is not about losing weight only.

Author's Resource Box Larry Scott is Badminton Net Stand a health and fitness enthusiast and an aspiring powerlifter. Squatting is an important part of any fitness training program but it becomes difficult to continue with it when we are injured or overstrained. We spend long hours at work, binge on junk food and give physical exercise a miss. Taking help of power rope can be a fun way to develop grip strength. For those who love weight training, reverse hypers can be a good choice. You can use Arch Bar for bench pressing. Are you envious of perfectly carved out muscles of your favorite celebrity? Try exercising with Swiss Pro Ball-the best kept secret fitness tool of top models and athletes. In fact you can use them as a bench using free-weights so as to work on those hard to reach stabilizer muscles. All those who love exercising with bars, there is a host of specialty bars available in the market-each one customized for your special needs. The unique thing about it is that two people can use it at one time. It will also teach you how to stretch the bar, use your triceps and to arch your upper back correctly. Reverse hypers are known to strengthen the lower back, back of the thighs and buttocks.

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